Technical Springs –
information and background

What awaits you here?

The topics on this page present a wide variety of products in the field of technical springs. In addition to the many different shapes and designs of these technical components, you will also find further topics about production and production, individual solutions as well as requirements, tasks and areas of application of technical springs. It's all in the mix. Be inspired by the wide range of topics.

EMC contact springs – springs for EMC applications

EMC contact springs and circuit boards
EMC contact springs are spring elements to avoid electromagnetic interference. Designed for a specific functionality, they enable the smooth operation of machines and systems by preventing electromagnetic or electrostatic interference.

Shaped springs for special cases

Form springs Special cases are developed
Whether functional under extremely high or low temperatures, effective in corrosive environments or designed for special dynamic or static loads: form springs can also be adapted for extreme applications.

What are technical springs?

Definition of technical springs
Holding, connecting, clamping, fastening, closing, securing, latching or contacting are the main performances required of them...

Mounts without screws or tools

Spring technology for brackets without screws or tools
There is hardly an industry in which special brackets are not required at a certain point of a specific application, which should act as a clamp, fastening or contact and must meet very individual criteria.

Individual spring construction or standard

Individual spring construction is a specialty of Mario Schaaf technical springs
A certain question always arises when it comes to the efficiency of a product to be built, a system or generally the realization of a technical project: Where do I get standard components and where do I get the individually manufactured component?